Thursday, January 10, 2013

Guide to Dining Out

I think I speak for most people when I say it seems hard to find to any time these days. Most of us have very time consuming jobs and other family obligations which can eat up most of or time and energy. 

We all seem at the beginning of the year to set great to get fit and eat right, but staying on track with such little time in our days makes it really hard to hold to our resolutions. As a result, we often turn to quick and easy ways of getting things done and resort to the “I want it now” attitude.

Growing up in the South, I’m a person who loves to eat and keep a variety of foods in my diet. I bore of the same things over and over again. So wanting that variety and needing food sometimes at a moments notice means turning to restaurants or ordering out to quickly fill a need. So how can I still enjoy eating out and not blow my resolutions and overall fitness and health goals?

Please don’t get the wrong idea. I am not encouraging eating out or saying that time should be our excuse for poor eating habits, rather I’m simply recognizing that reality that the average American eats 1/3 of their meals away from home. It’s not easy to avoid disaster when eating out or ordering in, but it can be done. Here are the tips I think are your best defense in eating out:

1) Portions

Most restaurants serve portions that are way larger then what is needed. This eve goes for healthy items that are served on the menu. Something I’ve had to fight over the years is a mind set that I have to finish everything on my plate. The idea is to eat till you are satisfied, NOT full! It actually works out great if you have some of your food left over because you can set the rest aside for a small meal or snack for another time.

2) Food Preparation

This is where it can become difficult. To make things simple, always order items that are grilled, steamed, or baked.  We can’t see into the kitchen to know what exactly is going into our food and many times servers have no idea how items are truly prepared. Something as simple as grilled chicken or grilled fish can be loaded with extra calories, and we are not even aware of it. Butter and oils can easily be marinated into the food, which can be hard to spot. Can you avoid calorically dense food every time you eat out?  Maybe not, but I just want to make you aware of it.

3) Customize

It’s your food, it’s going into your body, and you are paying for it; so don’t be afraid to make changes to it. For example: ask for no cheese, dressing on the side, no sauce on top, etc. Usually the worst thing that is on the plate is  the side items that are paired with them such as, French fries, mashed potatoes, onion rings, etc. Try to change those items to something more wholesome like a salad, veggies or rice(even white is not as bad some choices). If bread is one of the items at least try to change it to whole grain/ wheat bun or wrap.

Follow these small tips and you will find yourself still being able to lose weight and eat healthy without having to give up all of the places you love to eat at.

For more information check out Drake Abshire Fitness on Facebook!

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