Tuesday, November 27, 2012

12 Way to Stick to Your Workouts

Whether you want to gain muscle mass or lose some body fat, consistency is going to be the key to reaching your goal. Here I have listed a few ways to help you stay on track and things to help keep you motivated to stick to your workouts:

Make a Friendly Bet
Challenge someone you are not close to, to a contest. For instance, the first person who can lose 15 lbs, run a 6 minute mile, or do a 250 bench press wins. Make sure it’s someone you don’t particularly care for. (It’s ok is your rival thinks you are best friends.)

Find a sport or event that you enjoy and train to compete in it. Consider training for the World Master's games, an Olympics-like competition for regular guys. Events include basketball, rowing, golf, triathlon, and weight lifting. There are other events that can be challenging as well, such as Tough Mudder, Crossfit, or marathons.

Switch Your Training Partners
Keep partners with someone who has similar goals as you. Family members and close friends don’t always make the best partners. They usually will not hold you accountable for not showing up. Try to change your partner after a few months, so you can continue to have the less-forgiving and motivational type person working along with you. 

Do a Daily Gut Check
If you do this check on a daily basis before your gym time, you are much more likely to not skip going. Place your fingers on your belly and inhale deeply so that your stomach expands. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles and push your fingertips against your hard abdominal wall. Now pinch. "You're holding pure fat between your fingers," says Tom Seabourne, Ph.D., author of Athletic Abs. 

Make a CD or Playlist
Studies have shown that people who listen to their favorite songs are more likely to workout for longer and more intense sessions. Try to pick your favorite and most adrenaline-boosting songs. This will help especially while doing intense training or cardio sessions.

Plan Workouts in Advance
At the beginning of each month/ week, try to plan out your workouts on a calendar. As you complete the workouts cross them off. Have an idea of how to makeup missed workouts on days where work or weather get in the way. You are more likely to get them done seeing them written on paper and also physically seeing how many you missed.

Hard Stuff First
If you hate doing squats, burpees, lunges, etc., get those done first. Save the enjoyable exercises for the end that way you are more likely to complete your full workout. Try to work your weaker body parts at beginning of the week, so you are more likely to complete your program.

Gym Gear by the Door
Leave your gym shoes, clothes, gym bag, etc.. right next to the door. Every morning when you leave, it will serve as a reminder that you planned to go for a run or to the gym that day. Pack and bring it with you, so there are no excuses later.

Don’t Do What You Hate
If you don’t like working out in a gym, then try to make a workout you can do at home out outdoors. If you dread running on the treadmill, try jumping rope, lifting weights, or some active sport like tennis. If you are sick of your routine, create a new one!

Blackmail Yourself
Take a picture of yourself shirtless or lightly clothed, then e-mail it to a trusted but sadistic friend, with the following instructions: "If I don't send you a new picture that shows serious improvement in 12 weeks, post this photo on Facebook or some very public site like hotornot.com.” It’s the perfect motivation you need to get you moving and making progress.

Think About Fat
Your body is storing and burning fat simultaneously, but it's always doing one faster than the other. Understanding that you're getting either fatter or leaner at any one time will keep you body-conscious so you won't overeat or underexercise.

Have a Body Composition Test
This test can tell you how much muscle and body fat you have, as well as figure out how much protein you will need to be consuming every day. Set a goal of how much body fat you want to lose and how much muscle you want to gain. Most gyms usually offer this service for free or for a small fee. There are also devices that you can order online that are available for in home use.

For more information check out Drake Abshire Fitness on Facebook!

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